Intruduction Basic Terms Basic Steps Main Toolbar Presentation Slide Support


Basic Terms

3D Presentation- a collection of one or more slides with a shared environment and presented in the same session.

Slide- a show of one 3D model together with its on UI, hotspots, annotations, popups and can have a different environment then the other slides in the presentation.

3D model- a 3D presentation of an object, the model file format is GLTF 2 (.glb). The model can contain animations.

Hotspot- a point on the 3D model that it’s a point of interest.

Annotation- an information tag that follow the hotspot where ever it goes. It can be a text, a picture, a movie, an html content or even a full web page.

View- a point in space that set an azimuth, altitude and distance to look at the 3D model. If set to a hotspot, the hotspot is become also the center or the focus of the view.

Popup- a UI dialog that popup on request and close itself on any movement outside the popup. The popup can be a text, a picture, a movie, an html content, a full webpage or a embedded iframe.

UI element- same properties as a popup but stay visible throughout the slide is presented. Good for titles, buttons and fixed info.

Actions- a set of commands to execute in the event of: entering a slide, clicking hotspot or annotation, clicking a UI element or after flying or jumping to a view.

Commands- fly/jump to view, show/hide a popup, change/stop animation, open a link instead or in a new tab, switch slide, report to a remote server and more.

Style- a set of css styling elements that form a look and feel of an annotation, popup or UI element. Known as a class for html writers. A style is common to all slides and presentations for a specific user. Changing a style will have immediate effect on all presentations of the user.

Styles editor- editor to manage the user styles.

Free styling- an additional css styling for a specific element without effecting others, can be a replacement, an addition or overwriting a style.

Position and size- set the position and size of an element like annotation, popups and UI. Rules are as css position and size.

Navigation UI- a set of icons to switch to the previous/next slide, switching to a specific slide, switch between full/window screen and a help button.

Publish- the proceeds of publishing the presentations so end users can play the presentation not in the environment of the editor. The result is a url link that can be sent to users or to be embedded in any web site using ifrmae element.

Assets- the collections of files: 3D models, images, videos, htmls or any other needed files for the user to use to build the presentation.

Assets explorer- the GUI for the user to manage the assets on the server, by creating/deleting folders, uploading/deleting files. Deleting or moving an asset (file) will have immediate effect on a presentation even if that presentation is published.

Control- Sets the mouse & touch control on zoom, rotation & camera (eye) distance. Sets in the level of the presentation and can be overwrite per slide.

Basic steps to create a 3D presentation:

Main Toolbar:

From left to right:


Presentation Environment

Set background, light & shdow that is the default for each slide, unless overitten by the slide environment settings.

Image- Select image to be used as the reflection image on the 3D model and/or as the background image. image should be loaded to your assets first.

Use image as background- Set this to use the image as a background.

Background color- Top to buttom color of the bacground. This not active if image is set to be in the background.

Exposure- Background (ambient) light strength.

Shadow intensity- Strength of shadow visibality.

Shadow softness- How foggy is the shadow.

Presentaion LMS

Use this to notify your learning managmnet system or any other system that a presentation as started.

Presentaion started url- If set, on starting of the presentation this url will be activated as http request.

Post parameters- if set the http request will be sent as 'POST' & not as 'GET', using the paramaetrs set in the textbox. Each parameter is set at seperate line in the form of <parameter name>:<parameter value>.


Slide 3D-model

Click the 'Select Model' to select 3D model from your 'assets' (learn to manage assets). 3D model must be in the fromat of .GLB (glTF 2.0).

Ways to get models in .GLB format:

If you have models but not in GLTF 2.0 (.glb) format you can convert them using: